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Jamie Dalton

Joining Kindle Vella

I've been eying Kindle Vella since it launched. Unsure of if I was ready for the commitment of having an episode each week ready for my readers I held off.

Some of you may know that I am also a book cover designer. I started out 2 years ago when on the hunt for a cover for Worldwalker and realized that I could do it as well. It's paid not only for all of my publishing but also for many of my bills as I leveled up my skills. Several months ago I made a premade cover that I titled Goddess of the Broken. Immediately I fell in love with the cover but had no story for her.

Several weeks ago I lost a very close family member to mental health issues. It had been a long battle and honestly, it sort of broke me. The night she passed away I had an entire story of a goddess who avenged those who had been wronged. I remembered the cover I had made that still hadn't sold and immediately pulled it off the market and got to work.

This story will be a bit different from my others. I'm truly not entirely sure how long it will be. I'm not entirely sure what adventure Tempest will take me. I do know the basic plot points that will be my main markers to build her story from, but I am allowing the book to sort of go on its own journey. I'm using this book to help heal my own broken heart and hope that when it can help others when they discover it as well.

As I write and self-edit chapters I will be uploading them onto Kindle Vella. Once the book is complete, it will be professionally edited and released alongside my other books as well. From time to time I will do polls at the end of episodes so readers can help me decide what journey Tempest will take and those who she will help.

Did I mention that her journey has already begun?!

The first 3 episodes are up and are free! Check out Goddess of the Broken on Kindle Vella now.

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